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Laurel Zuev
Laurel Zuev

Alley So Far Away !!BETTER!!

This 1853 map, published by Perris & Browne, is the earliest available map on the NYPL site that covers our neighborhood. The green indicates brick or stone stores lined the alley, as opposed to the dwellings in the surrounding area (noted in red).

Alley So Far Away

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Why is the water so blue?Spring water is actively dissolving away dolomite as it moves through the earth. Springs are actually excavating new caves through this process. This dissolved limestone, along with the influence of the spring's depth and the blue of the sky, impart the blue color. Unique local conditions may give each spring its own tint. Rainy conditions wash silt into the water and may make springs appear milky or cloudy, or even brown.

Round Spring: Round Spring is located approximately 13 miles north of Eminence on Highway 19. The spring flows into an almost perfectly circular cavern that has collapsed, and from there it travels through a natural tunnel before it emerges into the spring branch. The average flow of the spring during a 16-year record is 40 cfs and 26 mgd (Vineyard and Feder 1974). The recharge area of the spring encompasses roughly 45 square miles (Aley and Aley 1987). A portion of the spring's recharge area is situated to the southwest under Spring Valley. It is also possible that part of the recharge area is situated to the northeast, which means that the groundwater would have to flow under the Current River to reach the spring.

Welch Spring: Welch Spring is located approximately 2 miles north of Akers on Highway K. The spring flows from the base of a wooded dolomite hill near the historic Welch Hospital, and then flows to the river over a rock impoundment The mean annual discharge of the spring (1923 to 1965) is 121 cfs or 78.2 mgd (Vineyard and Feder 1974). Using the mean annual discharge of the spring as a reference the recharge area is approximately 121 square miles (Aley and Aley 1987). The recharge area of the spring encompasses the land to the east and northeast under the Gladden Creek Valley. There are several sinkholes in the valley that pirate water to the spring, however; there has not been enough dye tracing done to determine the actual extent of the recharge area.

Keep in mind that the road is only lit by lampposts and the headlights of other cars. It can and will become very dark. While there are fences that keep animals away from the street, some do manage to escape, so keep an eye out.

I didn't have time to really put this fully into practice this trip. However, insight comes in odd ways. While filming in a cram school district of Taipei, I posted this photo of an alley to Instagram, wondering in my caption why American alleys did not contain such a density of food stalls and stands and restaurants.

New York City doesn't have many alleys. In contrast, if you've ever been to Chicago, you'll encounter many alleys between city buildings, and rather than pile trash on sidewalks, residents and businesses stash it in trash bins sitting in those alleys.

In the American consciousness and pop culture, the alley is a place of danger and grime. It's where Bruce Wayne's parents were shot and Batman birthed, a place of drug deals, prostitution, gang fights, and dumpsters. This squalid reputation may trace back to the functional roots of the alley in America.

Despite that, alleys do offer Chicago a place to stow trash that in NYC would pile up on sidewalks. However, Taipei has alleys that don't house trash dumpsters and are an improvement, to my mind, over Chicago alleys in their contribution to civic life. How does Taipei manage it?

Electric scooters might be a wonderful addition to the city's transportation options, but it's something that needs to be tested at scale because it's a solution that depends on scale for a good customer experience. I've tried to take electric scooters a few times, and either the nearest one is too far away, or the one I walk up to has a dead battery. If you limit the number of scooters during a test you might as well just ban them.

During its first few months of operation, the alley ran a promotion that awarded a free game to anyone who was in the building when Berra hit a home run. Then in the offseason, Yogi was a regular at his establishment.

Not long after the bowling alley opened, it brought the whole Berra family to the area, where Yogi and Carmen spent the rest of their lives and their legacy endures in the Yogi Berra Museum and Learning Center on the campus of Montclair State University.

HEFEI, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) -- An about 2-meter-wide alley, or "Liu Chi Xiang" in Chinese, now attracts floods of visitors in east China's Anhui Province. It has a household's ancient story hidden behind it, which vividly explains the essence of tolerance and non-contention widely esteemed in China.

However, Zhang wrote a poem back saying, "Writing a letter from home, miles away, just for a wall. All that fuss over one meter or two. Looking at the ten thousand mile-long Great Wall. Long gone is its builder Emperor Qinshihuang."

They decided to move their wall about one meter back for their neighbor. In turn, the Wu family was deeply touched by their generosity and retreated another meter backward in building their wall. It created an about two-meter-wide narrow "alley" between the houses.

Among all the valuable historical sites in the city, the narrow alley is one of the most renowned attractions. It serves as enlightenment, inspiring people to observe public morals and cherish harmony, especially in disputes and conflicts.

Olin said he checked around for a nearby airport to land, but it was too far away, so he landed the plane on I-75. No vehicles were impacted during the landing because Olin landed during a break in traffic.

When I had my truck in position, I turned all the way away from the box I was trying to get into...backed until I could see just a small gap between my landing gear foot and my tire. I turned so that my tires were straight and gave it one more turn toward the box. At that point, I backed while keeping that angle (using the gap between the landing gear and tire) until the center of my rear tandem tire rim was in line with the cone on the left side end of the space I wanted to get into. Here's where things get sketchy for me...

I'm pretty leery about telling you to use a "formula" for the alley dock, like it sounds like you're using. It can work pretty well with the other backs, but it's pretty hard to set up exactly the same way for the alley dock every time.

I'll start out by saying that, not only am I not a veteran or an expert, but I had trouble with alley docking too. And if your instructor watched you and couldn't tell you what was wrong, then I think it's difficult for someone on a forum to advise you.

As Kurt said: G.O.A.L. even if you have to get out after every maneuver, remember it takes 10ft for your trailer to completely react to your steering maneuvers. I found that when I was doing my alley dock, if I kept my rear-driverside-trailer within one shoe length of the cone and front of trailer within 10-15deg angle (1 o'clock), then counter-steer and chase-push the trailer I made it in everytime....I would always do a pullup to straighten out no matter how it was in the "box"....the drivers on here will tell ya in the real-world good setup, GOAL and pull-ups are the keys.

Scott makes a good point - you don't really have to wait until you hit the cones. If your tandems are going around that first sight side cone and you're like 3 or 4 feet away from it, you're already not going to make it and you know that you need to do something different in the setup or first turns. are getting a lot of advice, all good. You have one very basic problem; you have performed the alley back a total of three times. Practice is what you need. While you are practicing try to apply the advice you received.

For me, the hardest part of alley docking is the setup. For a standard alley dock starting at 90 degrees, with your tandems all the way to the rear, as you set up, you want your rearmost trailer tire about six feet past the hole, and about six feet away (which is about nine feet in a straight line.)

If your tandems are more forward, you need to be farther away from the hole, but you still only want to be about six feet past the hole. Even though the tandems will turn almost exactly the same, the difference is trailer swing at the ass-end of your trailer will be wider, so you have to get more turn in before you hit the hole.

I feel your pain. I am having all types of difficulties with alley dock. If I draw that when I take my test, I pray I got through the off set with no points, and even then it will be close. Good luck, and get more reps.

I received a request from a gentleman who wanted others to know how far away drivers have to park from different roadside features. He has a problem with people parking across the end of his driveway rather than keeping their distance and is hoping that a reminder to other drivers might solve it. Is your measuring tape ready?

Knowing how far away to park from something may be difficult as there often isn't a sign present to tell you. Drivers must know the proper distances from memory and it is worth being generous in your estimate to avoid a parking ticket.

Being as I have been based in North Vancouver for some many years, I found it interesting that one of their (Richmond) newer bylaw guys (who was actually a Surrey resident) told me that he had worked for a short time in the same role for the City of North Vancouver - and that all of their concern seemed to be about generating dollars from parking offences (over the 1 or 2 hour limit, parking 'backwards' in an angle parking spot, that kind of stuff) but not about safety issues (pedestrian/vehicle crosswalk offences, parking too close to an alley way, etc). Essentially, the low-confrontation, high dollar fine type offences.

But being ingenious and getting things done was a speciality of Argentine drivers, I could tell. Back then, car bumpers were built of strong stuff, like steel, unlike now, so it made a perfectly good prod; just inch in and start pushing either the front car or the rear one. It worked like a charm, and to watch was a favourite pastime of ours. I realized that I was witnessing a norm, and that people would park their cars, not in gear, set the handbrake just enough to prevent a roll away; this gave everybody else a shoe horn chance of making a small space work. One simply opened the space a little more; nobody got hurt nor agitated. When a driver needed to get out of the space, so thoroughly boxed in, the same application of efficient and slow back and forth got the job done, and away they roared. Six cylinders to the wind. 041b061a72


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